The Bankful Merchant Portal gives merchants access to manage and administer their account.
- Transactions
- All transactions done by their customers can be seen here.
- Transaction statement can be generated
- Fraud analysis can be seen for enabled transactions.
- Recurring Transactions
- Manage rule-sets on products for enabling recurring transactions.
- Can see the recurring transactions executed for their customers.
- Can create recurring-schedule for a customer with their transaction, if enabled.
- Manage subscriptions for their customers.
- Email Management
- Manage notifications for their own account.
- Manage notifications for their customers.
- Manage email templates to override the language for their customers.
- Whitelabel Management
- Modify the Bankful Payment Page with simple options.
- Modify Bankful Payment Page with their own CSS injection.
- Update the language, logo and icon as per their need.