Congratulations on joining our community of merchants! We’re thrilled to welcome you aboard as you install our cutting-edge plugin for Bankful’s services. This plugin is designed to streamline your operations, elevate your user experience, and pave the way for unprecedented growth and success. We’re excited to support you every step of the way, beginning with the following step-by-step guide, as you explore the endless possibilities our technology has to offer. Welcome, and get ready to unlock a new realm of efficiency and innovation for your business!
Step 1: Download our bankful plugin
Step 2: Log into your store’s WordPress backend and click Plugins → “Add New”
Step 3: Click “Upload Plugin”
Step 4: Choose the extension zip file you downloaded during checkout and click “Install Now”
Step 5: Activate the Plugin
Step 6: Click “Bankful Settings”
Step 7: Click “Update” on the Live API Status line
Step 8: Enter your Bankful credentials and click “Validate Settings” to connect the installation.
- LIVE API Username = Bankful Username
- LIVE API Password = Bankful Password
Step 9: You are still in “Test Mode” and can perform a test transaction if you wish. If you are satisfied with testing, click the dropdown menu and select “Live”
We strongly advise setting the Customer Email and Customer Phone Number fields to mandatory within Woo. This will help your processing bank verify transactions and help with future chargeback disputes.
If you encounter any difficulties during the installation process, our dedicated support team is ready to provide guidance. Support can be contacted at