- This is Part 1 of our step-by-step guide on how to set up subscription/recurring products between Shopify and Bankful
- Part 1 has two steps
- Both steps in this guide must be followed before going to Part 2

- Notes:
- Customer emails are required at the Shopify checkout for Subscriptions to function
- Shopify > Settings > Checkout and accounts > Customer contact method > Email (select email only)
- Customer first and last name are required for Subscriptions to function
- Shopify > Settings > Checkout and accounts > Customer Information > Full Name > Require first and last
- Customer emails are required at the Shopify checkout for Subscriptions to function

Creating Variants
- Log into Shopify
- Click on Products
- Click the product that you would like to offer subscriptions for
- Scroll down the page to the Options section
- Check the box
- Option name you can call this category: Plan, Subscription, Frequency, or etc.
- Option values will be the subscriptions types that you offer for this product: i.e: weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, etc.
- Note: You will need to list one time purchase as an option value
- Click Done
- Below is another example of many possible ways to set up the Options
- Now you will see the created variants (green box)
- You can edit the pricing for each variant (orange box)
- You can use this to offer discounts for subscribing.
- Important: click Save or none of the changes will take place
- Disclaimer:
- If any changes are made to the product variants within Shopify, you will have to resync them in Bankful.
- More on this in Part 2
- Deleting variants in Shopify will cause existing customer subscriptions to no longer recur.
- If any changes are made to the product variants within Shopify, you will have to resync them in Bankful.
Installing the Fraud Shield App
- Log into Shopify
- Click Apps
- Click Customize your store
- Type in “Bankful” and click your Enter key
- Click on the Fraud Shield app shown below
- Click Add app
- Click Intall app
- Click Already Have Bankful Merchant Account
- Type in the same credentials you created for Bankful
- These will be the credentials used to login to paybybankful.com
- Click Login
- Once you see this page, nothing more needs to be done.
- You can close this out or return to Shopify.
The Fraud Shield product provides no guarantee against fraud, or other unauthorized activity nor the prevention of resulting chargebacks, and/or payment network fees. All applicable fees for use of the product and for any transactions apply. While assistance is available via email or articles, the merchant is ultimately responsible for enabling and configuring the product and its filters, rules, and/or settings to determine how the product will assess transactions. The merchant is solely responsible for assessing the risk of its transactions and implementing any risk management controls that are reasonably necessary to prevent unauthorized activity. The final responsibility for accepting or rejecting a transaction will remain with the merchant.